TYPE: CONT HANDLE: ENSEMBL NAME: Paul Flicek FAX: +44 (0)1223 494468 TEL: +44 (0)1223 492581 EMAIL: flicek@ebi.ac.uk LAB: Ensembl INST: European Bioinformatics Institute ADDR: Wellcome Trust Genome Campus, Hinxton, Cambridge, CB10 1SD, UK || TYPE: PUB HANDLE: ENSEMBL TITLE: TranscriptSNPView--A genome-wide catalog of mouse coding variation AUTHORS: Cunningham,F.;Rios,D.;Griffiths,M.;Smith,J.;Ning,Z;Cox,T.;Flicek,P.;Marin-Garcin,P.;Herrero,J.;Rogers,J.;van der Weyden,L.;Bradley,A.;Adams,D.J. JOURNAL:Nature Genetics YEAR: 2006 STATUS: 3 || TYPE: PUB HANDLE: ENSEMBL PMID: 11591649 TITLE: SSAHA: A Fast Search Method for Large DNA Databases AUTHORS: Ning,Z.;Cox,A.J.;Mullikin,J.C. JOURNAL:Genome Research VOLUME:13 PAGES:81-90 YEAR: 2001 STATUS: 4 || TYPE:METHOD HANDLE:ENSEMBL ID:MOUSE_STRAIN-READS_SNPS_200606 METHOD_CLASS: Computation SEC_BOTH_STRANDS: NA TEMPLATE_TYPE: NA MULT_PCR_AMPLIFICATION: NA MULT_CLONES_TESTED: NA METHOD: Using ssaha2SNP, mouse sequencing reads from several sources were aligned to the contigs associated with build NCBI35 of the mouse genome. The read set includes whole genome sequencing reads from the DBA/2J, 129S1/ImJ, 129X1/SvJ, A/J strains of Mus musculus, BAC-end sequence reads from the NOD strain of Mus musculus, and additional sequencing reads from the MSM/Ms strain of Mus musculus molossinus. The reads for NOD were generated at the Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute, the MSM-Ms reads were generated by Riken. Reads for the other strains were generated by Celera. The settings for ssaha2SNP used a Neighborhood Quality Standard (NQS) of Phred score Q >= 23 for the alternate base, Q >= 15 for the flanking 5 bases on each side of the alternate base, and that 9 of the 10 flanking bases be matched. Other settings included requirements that matching identity of the read to ref >= 92% if alignment score < 600. We have also included genotypes for those strains that have same as reference assembly (SARA) SNP alleles for those locations of the genome shown to be variant in at least one of the strains we used, but observed to be the same as the reference assembly for the given strain. For SARA SNPs we required the alignments pass all of the same quality filters needed to call the alternate base and that the SARA allele meet the same NQS. All SNPs were mapped back to the NCBI35 build of the Mus musculus genome assembly. Full data and visualisation are available at http://www.ensembl.org