IP Over AppleTalk (appleip) --------------------------- Charter Current status: active working group Chair(s): John Veizades Internet Area Director(s): Stev Knowles Claudio Topolcic Mailing lists: General Discussion:apple-ip@apple.com To Subscribe: apple-ip-request@apple.com Archive: Description of Working Group: The IP Over AppleTalk Working Group is chartered to facilitate the connection of Apple Macintoshes to IP internets, and to address the issues of distributing AppleTalk services in an IP internet. Goals and Milestones: Done Post an Internet-Draft the current set of protocols used to connect Macintoshes to IP internets. Done Submit the AppleTalk MIB to the IESG for consideration as a Proposed Standard. Internet-Drafts: No Current Internet-Drafts. Request For Comments: RFC Stat Published Title ------- -- ---------- ----------------------------------------- RFC1243 PS Jul 91 AppleTalk Management Information Base RFC1742 PS Jan 95 AppleTalk Management Information Base II