TCP/UDP Over CLNP-Addressed Networks (tuba) ------------------------------------------- Charter Current status: active working group Chair(s): Mark Knopper Peter Ford Internet Area Director(s): Stev Knowles Claudio Topolcic Mailing lists: General To Subscribe: Archive: Description of Working Group: The TUBA Working Group will work on extending the Internet Protocol suite and architecture by increasing the number of end-systems which can be effectively addressed and routed. The TUBA effort will expand the ability to route Internet packets by using addresses which support more hierarchy than the current Internet Protocol (IP) address space. TUBA specifies the continued use of Internet transport protocols, in particular TCP and UDP, but specifies their encapsulation in ISO 8473 (CLNP) packets. This will allow the continued use of Internet application protocols such as FTP, SMTP, TELNET, etc. An enhancement to the current system is mandatory due to the limitations of the current 32-bit IP addresses. TUBA seeks to upgrade the current system by a transition from the use of IPv4 to ISO/IEC 8473 (CLNP) and the corresponding large Network Service Access Point address space. In addition to protocol layering issues and ``proof of concept'' work, the TUBA approach will place significant emphasis on the engineering and operational requirements of a large, global, multilateral public data network. TUBA will work to maximize interoperatability with the routing and addressing architecture of the global CLNP infrastructure. The TUBA Working Group will work closely with the IETF NOOP and OSI IDRP for IP Over IP Working Groups to coordinate a viable CLNP-based Internet which supports the applications which Internet users depend on such as TELNET, FTP, SMTP, NFS, X, etc. The TUBA Working Group will also work collaboratively with communities which are using CLNP, and will consider issues such as interoperability, applications coexisting on top of multiple transports, and the evolution of global public connectionless datagram networks, network management and instrumentation using CLNP and TUBA, and impact on routing architecture and protocols given the TUBA transition. The TUBA Working Group will consider how the TUBA scheme will support transition from the current IP address space to the future NSAP address space without discontinuity of service, although different manufacturers, service providers, and sites will make the transition at different times. In particular, the way in which implementations relying on current 32-bit IP addresses will migrate must be considered. TUBA will ensure that IP addresses can be assigned, for as long as they are used, independently of geographical and routing considerations. One option is to embed IP addresses in NSAP addresses, possibly as the NSAP end-system identifier. Whatever scheme is chosen must run in a majority of *-GOSIPs and other NSAP spaces. The TUBA strategy will require a new mapping in the DNS from NAMEs to NSAP addresses. The rationale RFC (RFC 1347) documents issues of transition and coexistence, among unmodified IPv4 hosts and hosts which support TUBA hosts. Hosts wishing full Internet connectivity will need to support TUBA. Goals and Milestones: Done Post Initial TUBA rational and discussion as an RFC. (RFC 1347) Done Post the Initial TUBA DNS specification. (RFC 1348) Done Review and approve the Charter. Done Post the TUBA CLNP profile as an Internet-Draft. Done Post a Routing and Addressing specification as an Internet-Draft, coordinated with the Network OSI Operations Working Group and the IDRP for IP Working Group. Nov 92 Post a summary report on TUBA deployment in the Internet. Done Present the results of Working Group deliberations at the November IETF meeting. Nov 92 Post an Internet-Draft on the changes required to Internet applications affected by the deployment of TUBA. Nov 92 Post an Internet-Draft covering the methodologies, instrumentation, address administration, routing coordination and related topics. Done Post as an Internet-Draft a revision to RFC 1347 reflecting lessons earned in the Working Group deliberation. Internet-Drafts: No Current Internet-Drafts. Request For Comments: RFC Stat Published Title ------- -- ---------- ----------------------------------------- RFC1526 I Sep 93 Assignment of System Identifiers for TUBA/CLNP Hosts RFC1561 E Dec 93 Use of ISO CLNP in TUBA Environments