Generic Internet Service Description (GISD) Working Group Meeting Wednesday, 27 July 1994 Toronto, Ontario, Canada Agenda o What is GISD? o Overview of past activities (Tony Bates) o Structure and format of GISD document o Content of GISD document o What you can do for GISD ======== Goals and Milestones: Jul 94 Review current GISD draft and add any additional areas and aspects felt essential Dec 94 Prepare a final draft of GISD and submit as an Internet-Draft Mar 95 Follow-up with final amendments and submit to RFC Editor for publication as an FYI RFC ======== The tasks of the GISD Working Group are: o To update and revise the GISD document that lists the areas and aspects of interest to TCP/IP network service providers. o To identify additional areas and aspects to be included in GISD. o To identify areas of overlap with other IETF working groups. o To create a reference document of GISD terms o To establish procedures to ensure the ongoing maintenance of the GISD document and identify an organization willing to take responsibility for it. ======== GISD Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) 1) What does GISD stand for? 2) What is GISD? 3) Who is GISD aimed at? 4) What is the purpose of GISD? 5) How is GISD structured? 6) So what does the GISD structure look like? 7) What does GISD not cover? 8) What areas does GISD cover? 9) Who can contribute to GISD? 10) How can I help with GISD? 11) Why does GISD have an IETF working group? 12) What is the goal of the IETF GISD Working Group? 13) What is the current status of the GISD document? 14) Does GISD have a mailing list? 15) Is the list archived? 16) Where did the idea for GISD come from? ======== The structure of GISD is: GISD Area Aspect What Why Options (Minimal) (Common) (Maximal) (Regional) See Also Soap Box References Contributors ... ... ======== Chair: David Sitman Mailing list: General Discussion: To Subscribe: in the body of message: subscribe gisd-wg