IP Over Asynchronous Transfer Mode (ipatm) ------------------------------------------ Charter Current status: active working group Chair(s): Mark Laubach Internet Area Director(s): Frank Kastenholz Jeffrey Burgan Mailing lists: General Discussion:ip-atm@matmos.hpl.hp.com To Subscribe: majordomo@matmos.hpl.hp.com In Body: subscribe ip-atm Archive: ftp://ftp.hep.net/ftp/lists-archive/atm Description of Working Group: The IP Over Asynchronous Transfer Mode Working Group will focus on the issues involved in internetworking the IPv4 and IPv6 protocols over Asynchronous Transfer Mode (ATM) networks. The goal for the working group is to produce standards for the TCP/IP Internet protocol suite. The working group will develop models of IP over ATM internetworking architectures; e.g. the classical Logical IP Subnet (LIS) over ATM. The working group will develop protocols for encapsulation, multicasting, addressing, address resolution, neighbor discovery, use of published ATM Forum UNI signaling for IP call set up and connection negotiation, and network management, as appropriate, to allow the operation of internetwork protocols over an ATM network. The working group will submit these protocols for standardization. The working group will coordinate its activities with the following working groups: 1) Routing over Large Cloud (rolc), for next hop address resolution extensions to the classic LIS model, 2) Integrated Services Working Group (intserv) for coordinating the support of the enhanced Internet service model within an ATM LIS, 3) IP Next Generation Working Group (ipngwg) for IPv6 over ATM coordination, and 4) Resource Reservation Setup Protocol (rsvp) for coordinating the support IP signaling within an ATM LIS. The working group will coordinate its work with other relevant standards bodies (e.g., ATM Forum, ANSI T1S1) and make recommendations to these organizations regarding the requirements for IP internetworking where the current published ATM standards, practices, or functionality do not meet the needs of internetworking. The working group will not develop physical layer standards for ATM. Goals and Milestones: Jun 95 Post first Internet-Draft detailing Miulticast Systems Overview for IP Multicast over ATM. Jun 95 Post first Internet-Draft update for combined RFC1577/1626 (Classical IP and ARP over ATM update with Default IP MTU for use over ATM AAL5). Jul 95 Submit proposal to IESG to elevate RFC1483 to Draft Standard. Jul 95 Post update to the Framework document as an Internet-Draft. Aug 95 Submit IPMC Internet-Draft ------ ------- ------------------------------------------ Sep 94 Feb 96 Support for Multicast over UNI 3.0/3.1 based ATM Networks. Apr 95 Apr 96 IP Broadcast over ATM Networks. Aug 95 Apr 96 IPv6 and Neighbour Discovery over ATM Sep 95 Feb 96 Classical IP and ARP over ATM Nov 95 Feb 96 Definitions of Managed Objects for Classical IP and ARP Over ATM Using SMIv2 Mar 96 New ATM Signaling Support for IP over ATM - UNI 4.0 Update Request For Comments: RFC Stat Published Title ------- -- ---------- ----------------------------------------- RFC1483 PS Jul 93 Multiprotocol Encapsulation over ATM Adaptation Layer 5 RFC1577 PS Jan 94 Classical IP and ARP over ATM RFC1626 PS May 94 Default IP MTU for use over ATM AAL5 RFC1754 I Jan 95 IP over ATM Working Group's Recommendations for the ATM Forum's Multiprotocol BOF Version 1 RFC1755 PS Feb 95 ATM Signaling Support for IP over ATM RFC1932 I Apr 96 IP over ATM: A Framework Document