SNMP Agent Extensibility (agentx)
Working Group of the 34th IETF
December 6 and 8, 1995

Session 1:
Wednesday, December 6, 1995, 1300-1500

Session 2:
Friday, December 8, 1995, 0900-1130


Review of the Charter

The goal of this working group is to define standards-track technology for SNMP Agent extensibility. The resulting technology specification will allow independently developed sub-agents to communicate with a master-agent running on an Internet device. The technology specification will consist of:

Review of the Charter (cont.)

The working group is explicitly directed to develop a solution which is adequate to achieve transparency with respect to whether a SNMP request is processed by a master-agent and/or one or more sub-agents; simultaneously, the working group is further directed to use good engineering judgement is developing an approach with the smallest reasonable "footprint" to achieve intra-agent communication. As a consequence, the working group may choose to avoid complete transparency, if, at its discretion, this proves too costly. In this case, the working group should document its decision for this engineering trade-off. Although the working group will solicit existing specifications and experience in this area, it will produce a vendor-neutral technology specification.

Review of the Charter (cont.)

The Multiple Component Problem

[gif image]

The Packet-Multiplexing Approach

[gif image]

Strategy for Proxy-Multiplexing

Agreements for Proxy-Multiplexing

Example Agreements

The Variable-Multiplexing Approach

[gif image]

Strategy for Variable-Multiplexing

Agreements for Variable-Multiplexing

Example Agreements


IETF Publications

Presentations By Interested Parties

All participants are invited to make prepared, or impromptu, presentations to the working group, answering these three questions: By convention, participants with prepared presentations will present first. Questions of a clarifying nature may be asked during each individual presentation; however, all other questions should be held until all presentations are heard. At that time, questions and discussions on all presentations and topics will be held.

Group Discussion of Presentations

Review of Problems and Approaches

In real-time, the group will attempt to derive a taxonomy of the problems, approaches, and experiences presented and discussed.

Group Discussion on
How to Proceed in a Timely Fashion