Thanks for this document and registering these profiles. They appear to cover the necessary substance, and I have only two small editorial comments: — Section 2.2.1 — A surrogate which occurs in text encoded in any transformation format other than UTF-16 has no meaning and may cause malfunction in software that encounters it. In particular, it is impossible to represent a surrogate in well-formed UTF-8. I think this is a bit confusingly put — I find the combination of “impossible” and “well-formed” to be correct but unclear. The issue is dealt with later, in Section 3, but here might it make more sense to change “impossible” to “forbidden”? — Section 3 — [RFC9413] emphasizes that when encountering problematic input, software should consider the field as a whole, not individual code points or bytes. 9413 says a bunch of things, and I can’t figure out what, specifically, you’re referring to here. Can you add at least a section reference, and perhaps a quotation (as opposed to paraphrasing or summarizing)?