This is the OPS-DIR review of draft-ietf-lisp-pubsub, version 10. The memo describes an extension to the request/reply based Locator/ID Separation Protocol (LISP) control plane. "... a Publish/Subscribe (PubSub) extension in which the Mapping System can notify ITRs/RTRs/PITRs about mapping changes." This extension allows faster mapping changes that can be managed within the Mapping system itself. Conditions for deployment and the extension itself are clearly described. The memo contains a section on current deployment experiences: these are all positive, especially in cases where performance is improved in scenarios involving mobility. It seems likely that operational issues, if any, would have been revealed in the deployments (which are on-going for some time). I noted that the LISP RFC has been updated very recently:; this indicates appreciable operational experience with the protocol and continued use/interest. Nits: ...PubSub offers faster converge due to... suggest s/converge/convergence/ regards, Al