The I-D is ready but the authors may consider making the following changes: Section 4, 5th paragraph: It would be helpful to describe which operational issues / challenges are made easier and why to give guidance on when it may/may not be appropriate to take the recommendation. Section 5.3, second paragraph: S/Therefore/Therefore,/ third paragraph: S/is able to/can/ and S/Therefore/Therefore,/ fourth paragraph: S/GIB,/GIB;/ Section 6.2, first paragraph: S/in order to/to/ Section 6.3, second paragraph: S/instead/instead,/ Section 9.2, seventh paragraph: S/is able to/can/ Section 9.3, third paragraph: S/in particular is/is/ Section 10, third paragraph: S/Draft, and/Draft and/ Section 10.13, first paragraph: S/open source/open-source/ Section 10.13, second paragraph: S/open source/open-source/ I did not attempt to verify the content of the appendix A was correct / sound. I assume the reference implementations are there to achieve this goal despite the stated goal of the reference implementations was for interoperability. Possibly, the authors could comment on how the I-D describes a correct and scalable, as well as interoperable solution.