I think this is probably ready but wanted to just check one thing. The draft seems overly prescriptive in some places. I think that's ok though as it's the CBOR spec that'd affect interop so is where such issues should be addressed. Is that right? If so, that's fine. If however, the MUSTs in this draft are supposed to be slavishly followed then I think a non-trivial number of then are wrong. Just to pick out a couple of examples: 4.3.1: "Devices MUST reject manifests with sequence numbers smaller than any onboard sequence number." I'm not sure it's ok to rule out rollback without a new manifest in all cases. Is there evidence that that is ok? 4.3.6: Why MUST that location be explicit in the manifest? It could be an installation parameter in some cases, e.g. use SD card if present, else use on-board flash, and all might depend on space available and boot order settings. Note that even though I disagree with some of those MUSTs, the draft would still be fine and useful so long as those aren't taken too seriously:-) a couple of nits: abstract: s/must be present/can be present/ ? 3.20: Expand XIP on 1st use