From: Adrian Hosey <> Subject: Re: pam_regex To: Date: Fri, 14 Nov 1997 15:27:25 -0500 (EST) : : : Chris Dent writes: : >One of my colleagues <> at work has put together a : >pam_regex module which works like pam_listfile (see below). : : Very cool! Well darn. Chris has gone and done it before I wanted to, like a mother pushing her child out onto the stage. ("Maaaaaa, I don't WANNA do this!") We haven't had a chance to even use the module in-house yet, but I'll submit it for your use and abuse. Comments and corrections welcome. Thanks! : >I was considering a slash-delimited pattern a la Perl: pattern=/ah.*/ : >if people are more comfortable with that. (It makes the pattern stand : >out a little on the command line.) There are two possible drawbacks : >(1) I'd have to handle escaped slashes in the pattern, and (2) people : >might start thinking these are Perl regexes, which they aren't. : : Hmm. I think that using it with something with slashes in it would : be relatively common (like shells); I'd suggest leaving it like it : is, without the slashes. : Agreed. ----------------<CUT>------------------ /* * * Oct 27 1997 * from pam_listfile.c by Elliot Lee (His credits below). */ /* * by Elliot Lee <>, Red Hat Software. * July 25, 1996. * This code shamelessly ripped from the pam_rootok module. */ #define _SVID_SOURCE #define _BSD_SOURCE #define __USE_BSD #define __USE_SVID #define __USE_MISC #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <sys/types.h> #include <sys/stat.h> #include <unistd.h> #include <syslog.h> #include <stdarg.h> #include <string.h> #include <pwd.h> #include <grp.h> #include <regex.h> #ifdef DEBUG #include <assert.h> #endif /* * here, we make a definition for the externally accessible function * in this file (this definition is required for static a module * but strongly encouraged generally) it is used to instruct the * modules include file to define the function prototypes. */ #define PAM_SM_AUTH #include <security/pam_modules.h> /* some syslogging */ static void _pam_log(int err, const char *format, ...) { va_list args; va_start(args, format); openlog("PAM-regex", LOG_CONS|LOG_PID, LOG_AUTH); vsyslog(err, format, args); va_end(args); closelog(); } /* Our own strdup()-style routine */ static char *xstrdup(const char *x) { char *s; if ((s = (char *) malloc(strlen(x)+1))) { strcpy(s,x); } return s; } /* checks if a user is on a list of members */ static int is_on_list(char * const *list, const char *member) { while (*list) { if (strcmp(*list, member) == 0) return 1; list++; } return 0; } /* Checks if a user is a member of a group */ static int is_on_group(const char *user_name, const char *group_name) { struct passwd *pwd; struct group *grp, *pgrp; char uname[BUFSIZ], gname[BUFSIZ]; if (!strlen(user_name)) return 0; if (!strlen(group_name)) return 0; bzero(uname, sizeof(uname)); strncpy(uname, user_name, BUFSIZ-1); bzero(gname, sizeof(gname)); strncpy(gname, group_name, BUFSIZ-1); setpwent(); pwd = getpwnam(uname); endpwent(); if (!pwd) return 0; /* the info about this group */ setgrent(); grp = getgrnam(gname); endgrent(); if (!grp) return 0; /* first check: is a member of the group_name group ? */ if (is_on_list(grp->gr_mem, uname)) return 1; /* next check: user primary group is group_name ? */ setgrent(); pgrp = getgrgid(pwd->pw_gid); endgrent(); if (!pgrp) return 0; if (!strcmp(pgrp->gr_name, gname)) return 1; return 0; } /* --- authentication management functions (only) --- */ /* Extended Items that are not directly available via pam_get_item() */ #define EI_GROUP (1 << 0) #define EI_SHELL (1 << 1) /* Constants for apply= parameter */ #define APPLY_TYPE_NULL 0 #define APPLY_TYPE_NONE 1 #define APPLY_TYPE_USER 2 #define APPLY_TYPE_GROUP 3 PAM_EXTERN int pam_sm_authenticate(pam_handle_t *pamh, int flags, int argc, const char **argv) { int retval, i, j, citem=0, extitem=0, onerr=PAM_SERVICE_ERR, sense=2; const char *citemp; char *pattern=NULL; char mybuf[256],myval[256]; char apply_val[256]; int apply_type; regex_t compiled_re; /* Stuff for "extended" items */ struct passwd *userinfo; struct group *grpinfo; char *itemlist[256]; /* Maximum of 256 items */ apply_type=APPLY_TYPE_NULL; memset(apply_val,0,sizeof(apply_val)); for(i=0; i < argc; i++) { { char *junk; junk = (char *) malloc(strlen(argv[i])+1); if (junk == NULL) { return PAM_BUF_ERR; } strcpy(junk,argv[i]); strncpy(mybuf,strtok(junk,"="),255); strncpy(myval,strtok(NULL,"="),255); free(junk); } if(!strcmp(mybuf,"onerr")) if(!strcmp(myval,"succeed")) onerr = PAM_SUCCESS; else if(!strcmp(myval,"fail")) onerr = PAM_SERVICE_ERR; else return PAM_SERVICE_ERR; else if(!strcmp(mybuf,"sense")) if(!strcmp(myval,"allow")) sense=0; else if(!strcmp(myval,"deny")) sense=1; else return onerr; else if(!strcmp(mybuf,"pattern")) { pattern = (char *)malloc(strlen(myval)+1); strcpy(pattern,myval); } else if(!strcmp(mybuf,"item")) if(!strcmp(myval,"user")) citem = PAM_USER; else if(!strcmp(myval,"tty")) citem = PAM_TTY; else if(!strcmp(myval,"rhost")) citem = PAM_RHOST; else if(!strcmp(myval,"ruser")) citem = PAM_RUSER; else { /* These items are related to the user, but are not directly gettable with pam_get_item */ citem = PAM_USER; if(!strcmp(myval,"group")) extitem = EI_GROUP; else if(!strcmp(myval,"shell")) extitem = EI_SHELL; else citem = 0; } else if(!strcmp(mybuf,"apply")) { apply_type=APPLY_TYPE_NONE; if (myval[0]=='@') { apply_type=APPLY_TYPE_GROUP; strncpy(apply_val,myval+1,sizeof(apply_val)-1); } else { apply_type=APPLY_TYPE_USER; strncpy(apply_val,myval,sizeof(apply_val)-1); } } else { _pam_log(LOG_ERR,"Unknown option: %s",mybuf); return onerr; } } if(!citem) { _pam_log(LOG_ERR,"Unknown item or item not specified"); return onerr; } else if(!pattern) { _pam_log(LOG_ERR,"Regular expression not specified"); return onerr; } else if(sense == 2) { _pam_log(LOG_ERR,"Unknown sense or sense not specified"); return onerr; } else if( (apply_type==APPLY_TYPE_NONE) || ((apply_type!=APPLY_TYPE_NULL) && (*apply_val=='\0')) ) { _pam_log(LOG_ERR,"Invalid usage for apply= parameter"); return onerr; } /* Check if it makes sense to use the apply= parameter */ if (apply_type != APPLY_TYPE_NULL) { if((citem==PAM_USER) || (citem==PAM_RUSER)) { _pam_log(LOG_WARNING,"Non-sense use for apply= parameter"); apply_type=APPLY_TYPE_NULL; } if(extitem && (extitem==EI_GROUP)) { _pam_log(LOG_WARNING,"Non-sense use for apply= parameter"); apply_type=APPLY_TYPE_NULL; } } /* Compile the pattern. */ if(regcomp(&compiled_re, pattern, 0) != 0) { _pam_log(LOG_ERR, "Couldn't compile pattern"); return onerr; } /* Short-circuit - test if this session apply for this user */ { const char *user_name; int rval; rval=pam_get_user(pamh,&user_name,NULL); if((rval==PAM_SUCCESS) && user_name[0]) { /* Got it ? Valid ? */ if(apply_type==APPLY_TYPE_USER) { if(strcmp(user_name, apply_val)) { /* Does not apply to this user */ #ifdef DEBUG _pam_log(LOG_DEBUG,"don't apply: apply=%s, user=%s", apply_val,user_name); #endif /* DEBUG */ return PAM_IGNORE; } } else if(apply_type==APPLY_TYPE_GROUP) { if(!is_on_group(user_name,apply_val)) { /* Not a member of apply= group */ #ifdef DEBUG _pam_log(LOG_DEBUG,"don't apply: %s not a member of group %s", user_name,apply_val); #endif /* DEBUG */ return PAM_IGNORE; } } } } retval = pam_get_item(pamh,citem,(const void **)&citemp); if(retval != PAM_SUCCESS) { return onerr; } if((citem == PAM_USER) && !citemp) { pam_get_user(pamh,&citemp,NULL); if (retval != PAM_SUCCESS) return PAM_SERVICE_ERR; } if(!citemp || (strlen(citemp) <= 0)) { /* The item was NULL - we are sure not to match */ return sense?PAM_SUCCESS:PAM_AUTH_ERR; } if(extitem) { switch(extitem) { /* Group checking only checks primary groups (i.e. listed in /etc/passwd) - it doesn't check other ones. To add full group checking capability would require a redo of things here, since the now-short main comparison loop would have to go through an array of items. */ case EI_GROUP: setpwent(); userinfo = getpwnam(citemp); setgrent(); grpinfo = getgrgid(userinfo->pw_gid); itemlist[0] = xstrdup(grpinfo->gr_name); setgrent(); for(i=1; (i < 255) && (grpinfo = getgrent()); i++) { for(j=0;grpinfo->gr_mem[j];) itemlist[i++] = xstrdup(grpinfo->gr_mem[j++]); } itemlist[i] = NULL; endgrent(); endpwent(); break; case EI_SHELL: setpwent(); userinfo = getpwnam(citemp); /* Assume that we have already gotten PAM_USER in pam_get_item() - a valid assumption since citem gets set to PAM_USER in the extitem switch */ citemp = userinfo->pw_shell; endpwent(); break; default: _pam_log(LOG_ERR,"Internal weirdness, unknown extended item %d", extitem); return onerr; } } #ifdef DEBUG _pam_log(LOG_INFO,"Got pattern = %s, item = %d, value = %s, sense = %d", pattern, citem, citemp, sense); #endif /* There should be no more errors from here on */ retval=PAM_AUTH_ERR; /* This loop assumes that PAM_SUCCESS == 0 and PAM_AUTH_ERR != 0 */ #ifdef DEBUG assert(PAM_SUCCESS == 0); assert(PAM_AUTH_ERR != 0); #endif if(extitem == EI_GROUP) { for(i=0;itemlist[i];i++) { retval = regexec(&compiled_re, itemlist[i], 0, NULL, 0); if(retval) break; } for(i=0;itemlist[i];) free(itemlist[i++]); } else { retval = regexec(&compiled_re, citemp, 0, NULL, 0); } if(retval) { #ifdef DEBUG syslog(LOG_INFO,"Returning %d, retval = %d", sense?PAM_AUTH_ERR:PAM_SUCCESS, retval); #endif return sense?PAM_SUCCESS:PAM_AUTH_ERR; } else { #ifdef DEBUG syslog(LOG_INFO,"Returning %d, retval = %d", sense?PAM_SUCCESS:PAM_AUTH_ERR, retval); #endif return sense?PAM_AUTH_ERR:PAM_SUCCESS; } } PAM_EXTERN int pam_sm_setcred(pam_handle_t *pamh, int flags, int argc, const char **argv) { return PAM_SUCCESS; } #ifdef PAM_STATIC /* static module data */ struct pam_module _pam_regex_modstruct = { "pam_regex", pam_sm_authenticate, pam_sm_setcred, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, }; #endif /* end of module definition */ -----------------<CUT>------------------ -- "Of course 5 years from now that will be different, but 5 years from now everyone will be running free GNU on their 200 MIPS, 64M SPARCstation-5." - Andrew Tannenbaum, 1992 -- To unsubscribe: mail -s unsubscribe < /dev/null