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Lähde SOT Linux 2003 R1 Desktop Software Library

Nimi: sendmail Jakelu: SOT Linux 2003 R1 Desktop Software Library
Versio: 8.12.7 Paketoija: SOT http://sot.com
Revisio: 1 Luontipäivämäärä: Fri Jan 3 23:32:56 2003
Ryhmä: System/BaseAddons/Daemons Luotu koneella: y2k.sot.com
Koko: 4004053 Lähdepaketti: sendmail-8.12.7-1.src.rpm
Pakkaaja: SOT Linux Team <sot@sot.com>
Yhteenveto: A widely used Mail Transport Agent (MTA), documentation and files needed to reconfigure Sendmail.
The Sendmail program is a very widely used Mail Transport Agent (MTA).
MTAs send mail from one machine to another. Sendmail is not a client
program, which you use to read your email. Sendmail is a
behind-the-scenes program which actually moves your email over
networks or the Internet to where you want it to go.

This package also contains documentation about the Sendmail
Mail Transport Agent (MTA) program, including release notes, the
Sendmail FAQ, and a few papers written about Sendmail. The papers are
provided in PostScript(TM) and troff formats.

This package includes the configuration files you need to generate the
sendmail.cf file distributed with the sendmail package. You will need
them if you ever need to reconfigure and rebuild your sendmail.cf file.


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Näiden sivujen tekemiseen käytetty ohjelma: rpm2html 1.7

SOT Linux team, Mon Jun 2 05:05:43 2003