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Lähde SOT Linux 2003 R1 Desktop Software Library

Nimi: sgml-common Jakelu: SOT Linux 2003 R1 Desktop Software Library
Versio: 0.6.3 Paketoija: SOT http://sot.com
Revisio: 15 Luontipäivämäärä: Thu May 1 19:33:55 2003
Ryhmä: Work/Utilities/Text Luotu koneella: y2k.sot.com
Koko: 134176 Lähdepaketti: sgml-common-0.6.3-15.src.rpm
Pakkaaja: SOT Linux Team <sot@sot.com>
Osoite: http://www.iso.ch/cate/3524030.html
Yhteenveto: Common SGML catalog and DTD files.
The sgml-common package contains a collection of entities and DTDs
that are useful for processing SGML, but that don't need to be
included in multiple packages.  Sgml-common also includes an
up-to-date Open Catalog file.


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Näiden sivujen tekemiseen käytetty ohjelma: rpm2html 1.7

SOT Linux team, Mon Jun 2 05:05:43 2003