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Lähde SOT Linux 2003 R1 Desktop Software Library

Nimi: xntp3 Jakelu: SOT Linux 2003 R1 Desktop Software Library
Versio: 5.93 Paketoija: SOT http://sot.com
Revisio: 9.4 Luontipäivämäärä: Tue Dec 31 19:01:15 2002
Ryhmä: System/Miscellaneous Luotu koneella: y2k.sot.com
Koko: 966919 Lähdepaketti: xntp3-5.93-9.4.src.rpm
Pakkaaja: SOT Linux Team <sot@sot.com>
Osoite: http://www.cis.udel.edu/~ntp
Yhteenveto: Synchronizes system time using the Network Time Protocol (NTP).
The Network Time Protocol (NTP) is used to synchronize a computer's time
with another reference time source.  The xntp3 package contains utilities
and daemons which will synchronize your computer's time to Coordinated
Universal Time (UTC) via the NTP protocol and NTP servers.  Xntp3 includes
ntpdate (a program for retrieving the date and time from remote machines
via a network) and xntpd (a daemon which continuously adjusts system time).

Install the xntp3 package if you need tools for keeping your system's
time synchronized via the NTP protocol.


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Näiden sivujen tekemiseen käytetty ohjelma: rpm2html 1.7

SOT Linux team, Mon Jun 2 05:05:43 2003