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RPM файлы начинающиеся на букву P

p2c-1.22-11 A Pascal to C translator. linux/i386
pango-1.2.1-1 System for layout and rendering of internationalized text. linux/i386
pango-devel-1.2.1-1 System for layout and rendering of internationalized text. linux/i386
php-manual-4.2.3-1 The PHP manual, in HTML format. linux/i386
pkgconfig-0.15.0-9 A tool for determining compilation options. linux/i386
plib-1.2.0-5 Steve's Portable Game Library linux/i386
plugger-3.3-5 A generic netscape plug-in, this version also supports Mozilla linux/i386
postgresql-7.2.3-3PGDG1 PostgreSQL client programs and libraries. linux/i386
postgresql-libs-7.2.3-3PGDG1 The shared libraries required for any PostgreSQL clients. linux/i386
psgml-1.2.2-3 A GNU Emacs major mode for editing SGML documents. linux/noarch
pspell-0.12.2-6 Portable Spell Checker Interface Library. linux/i386
pspell-devel-0.12.2-6 Static libraries and header files for pspell. linux/i386
pvm-3.4.3-30 Libraries for distributed computing. linux/i386

Сгенерирован с помощью rpm2html 1.7

SOT Linux team, Mon Jun 2 06:22:20 2003