For SIP/RTP and VOIP application developers:
LanScape Corporation has just completed that latest release of our
LanScape VOIP Media Engine development software. With this development
library/SDK you can develop SIP/RTP based voice over IP applications
for any version of Microsoft Windows operating systems. The media
engine is more than a protocol stack. It manages SIP and RTP traffic,
call states, complex phone functionality, and much more. For those of
you wanting to check it out immediately, Google the phrase "LanScape
VOIP Media Engine" or go to
If you have to develop a multi line soft phone, voicemail server,
media gateway or another similar type of VOIP application for Windows,
our VOIP media engine is what you want.
We have simplified the licensing and have adjusted the OEM price list
for this product. Our goal is to offer you a cost effective
development solution that will get you up and running quickly. It will
not matter if you are a seasoned VOIP/SIP/RTP developer or a rookie.
The VOIP development package we offer really simplifies the
development task.
To check out what the LanScape VOIP Media Engine can do for your
application development, please go to our web site at and look down the right side of the page
for a headline that reads "LanScape VOIP Media Engine -- New pricing
schedule in effect!"
If you have any question, we ask that you email the sales department
with your inquiries. If you would like to review the Media Engine's
documentation, just ask and we will get you a current copy of the
compiled HTML help file that comes with the product. In the mean time,
you might want to look at a slightly outdated version of the API
documents located at:
We have many interesting VOIP applications that will be unveiled soon
that are using the LanScape VOIP Media Engine SDK. You will be able to
use these applications in your own VOIP systems or use them to extend
the capabilities of user communities such as Free World Dialup.
Thank you and happy VOIP-ing,
LanScape Sales Staff