IN Messaging Lets Verizon Wireless Customers Send and Receive
Unlimited Mobile to Mobile TXT, PIX and FLIX Messages
BEDMINSTER, N.J., April 19 /PRNewswire/ -- Starting today, wireless
customers have another reason to Join IN -- Verizon Wireless, the
nation's leading wireless service provider, is expanding its popular
IN Calling plans to include IN Messaging, the company's newest
offering that gives Verizon Wireless customers free unlimited
mobile-to-mobile TXT, PIX and FLIX Messages with more than 43 million
Verizon Wireless customers. Customers with Verizon Wireless IN
Calling plans receive unlimited free mobile-to-mobile voice calls to
other customers on the Verizon Wireless national network.
For only $5 additional a month, customers with TXT, PIX or FLIX
Messaging-capable phones can sign up for IN Messaging and immediately
begin sending and receiving unlimited mobile-to-mobile messaging to
other Verizon Wireless customers. IN Messaging from Verizon Wireless
gives customers the choice of how to keep in touch with other Verizon
Wireless customers by offering the flexibility to select either
calling or messaging. IN Messaging customers who want to add
additional services to their phones can get unlimited browsing with
Verizon Wireless' Mobile Web 2.0(SM) news and information service for
just $4.99 monthly access or add the V CAST VPak for $15.00 monthly
access, plus applicable airtime.