> [TELECOM Digest Editor's Note: Here is a question for the collected
> readership: _If_ Bell had not gotten divested, and was still in
> charge of most everything relating to telecommunications, what would
> the internet be like today? Would it all be run by 'the telephone
> company'? Would we be getting all our attachments and peripherals from
> the telephone company? I suggest that might be the case. What do the
> rest of you think? PAT]
The Internet wouldn't be run by the "telephone company." It would be
a very limited linkup between universities and defense contractors who
could afford to pay for the $1000+ per month 256k high-speed lines
needed. The rest of us would still be using the Source, Compuserve,
and BIX over dialup, using special utilities to minimize toll call
Michael D. Sullivan
Bethesda, MD (USA)
(Replace "example.invalid" with "com" in my address.)
[TELECOM Digest Editor's Note: _You_ might be doing that, but I
suspect I would be doing like I was around 20-25 years ago: I
called into eecs.nwu.edu on my user account there, since it was
a local call, then telnetted over to either bu.edu or lcs.mit.edu
where I could work in peace. In those days, I was a Unix account
collector. I had Unix accounts on several university systems, such
as Northwestern, Boston University, Berkeley in California and a
couple others. The only one that was local to me (in terms of the
telco charges) was Northwestern University in Evanston, where I
had an account on alpha.eecs.nwu.edu (which was also known as
alpha.nwu.bitnet). After Bill Pfieffer started his rec.radio.broadcasting
newsgroup using the University of Illinois at Chicago computers, he
got for me an account on uics.edu as well, and I traded to him one of
my accounts at Berkeley; a machine known these days as remarque.org
but back then it was (something).berkeley.edu . I suspect I would get
along okay.
Admittedly I would not spend the _hours_ each day logged into massis I
do now. I prefer (or did prefer, before my own brain got so scrambled
up) to use a shell in my work -- preferably tc-shell or c-shell (I use
tc-shell and emacs in putting this Digest together each day (along
with various other scripts) and whenever I have reason to chat with an
ISP, one of my first questions to them is 'if I place my account with
you, can I have a shell to work with and use my scripts?' Their
answer is always no, so that ends the discussion. PAT]