Cybersquatting |
![]() 24 Feb 2006 18:57:18 -0800
In an interesting twist to the cyberquatting wranglings I thought you may want to know what the results are once WIPO brands you or your company as a cyberquatter.
In this instance, a company accused of cybersquatting [yet no proof
The local news agency that brought the story in regard to acusations of
Temporary article on this cybersquatting / domain case link is
Previously: Vancouver resident Hans Wayne Schnauber formed Internet
What's new: The state of Oregon alleges Schnauber owes $2.48 million
What's next: Schnauber intends to fight the allegations.
Local Web Entrepreneur in Hot Water
Oregon alleges shares of were sold without proper license
Hans Wayne Schnauber, or the "Butterfly Guy" as he was once known,
The "bill" arrived at Schnauber's Vancouver home Saturday, leaving the
It's another chapter in a peculiar trip that links Schnauber to the
Schnauber denies all allegations. He understood that he was licensed
"I'd give them their name back for free," he said.
The Oregon Department of Consumer and Business services sent Schnauber
The order alleges the Schnauber sold stock or "licenses" of
Schnauber told investors the companies would pay to get the names
The practice of cybersquatting made headlines in the 1990s as
Others registered domain names similar to a corporation's correct
A 1999 federal law that linked cybersquatting with trademark
Back when Schnauber was snapping up names like or
He also said he was demonstrating that such Internet locations are
The Wall Street Journal and trade publications appeared amused with
Schnauber denies he ever owned the names, just that he registered them.
He plans to fight Oregon and says if he loses, he doesn't have $2.48
"I'm a strange kind of person," Schnauber said. "I'm not weird, but my |
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