TELECOM Digest OnLine - Sorted: Multicarrier EDGE Yields Increased Bandwidth?

Multicarrier EDGE Yields Increased Bandwidth?

Raqueeb Hassan (
19 Apr 2006 07:24:48 -0700

As I was reading one of the 'Ericsson Review' issues on GSM/EDGE
service evolution, It said "Multicarrier EDGE yields increased
bandwidth. This is manifested by increased peak and meanbit rates both
over the uplink and downlink."

Now, for a given time slots of maximum 8 for EDGE transmission in each
direction (uplink and downlink), as GSM standard allows it, the
transfer rate can be upto 480 kpbs. Now for increasing the bandwidth,
we can employ multiple carriers, as I understood. Lets say, with four
carriers and 8 timeslots each, the highest transfer rate would be like

Now, what might be the complexity for the operator to install multiple
BTSs, (Base Transceiver Station) in same area for providing more time
slots than that of 8? Does that mean we also have to upgrade our
terminals/cell phone/EDGE devices that can recieve from more than 1
BTS? Will our terminals/phones need to have mulitiple transceivers?


Raqueeb Hassan

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