Time, Money, Keeping You From Earning the Degree You Deserve? - Carly |
![]() Wed, 19 Apr 2006 08:02:22 +0500
[TELECOM Digest Editor's Note: How absolutely pathetic this is! It is the old -- and I mean _really old_ -- excuse "oops, my email must have gone to the wrong address" way of sending spam; make it appear that you wrote a personal letter to family or friends, somehow through the mystery of computers and email it fell into the wrong email box. I got a few of these today; not only did the 'computer' put it in the wrong box, it also backfired and sent out multiple copies. Mr. Marcelyorgo can't be blamed for that, can he? Sigh ... PAT]
Hey Family!
Just wanted to write you, and let you know, how the degree program I
Yeah mom, I know you and Dad doubted it at first, but this turned out
I'm so excited mom and dad, this was a life altering opportunity and
I already have jobs, that wouldn't have given me a chance before, now
Tell Susan and Cousin Joey that they better hurry up and call that
Again these are the degrees they offer, BA, BSC, MA, MSC, MBA and PhD,
Anyway, much love, and tell the rest of the family I said hello.
Mom, why don't you send this email to a few of your friends? My
[TELECOM Digest Editor's Note: I do not know if Len (the son) 'screwed
But seriously, why can apparently nothing be done about the jokers and |
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