Verizon's Aggressive New Spam Filter Causing Problems
Posted by ScuttleMonkey on Monday April 24, @12:02PM
aviancarrier writes "Verizon DSL has turned on a very aggressive spam
filter that is blocking lots of long-time legitimate emails. Emails
get bounced with an error: ' host[] said: 550 Email from your Email
Service Provider is currently blocked by Verizon Online's anti-spam
system. The email "sender" or Email Service Provider may visit and request removal of the block.'
That whitelist web page lets you request one address at a time to be
whitelisted with no guarantee for their response time to process it.
I have tested multiple email sources and only one got through. As a VZ
customer, I just spent 28 minutes on a call to tech support,
eventually got a supervisor who knows nothing about the new spam
feature, and would only agree to email a manager who doesn't work
weekends about it. I warned her that VZ has a public relations problem
but she was too clueless to understand." Many users have submitted
this problem so it seems to be a pretty far reaching problem. There is
also a discussion going on over at Google about this problem.