Worm Attacks Yahoo Email |
![]() Tue, 13 Jun 2006 15:43:43 -0500
Yahoo Inc. , the world's largest provider of e-mail services, said on Monday that a software virus aimed at Yahoo Mail users had infected "a very small fraction" of its base of more than 200 million accounts.
The e-mail virus, or worm, has been dubbed Yamanner and landed in
The e-mail containing the virus need only be opened -- in contrast to
The Sunnyvale, California-based company advised users to update virus
"We have taken steps to resolve the issue and protect our users from
"When we learn of e-mail abuse, such as a worm or other online threat,
Yamanner, first detected by Yahoo and major computer anti-virus
But Symantec considers the worm an "elevated threat," one step up from
Symantec's Security Response site suggested Yahoo Mail users might
"The worm cannot run on the newest version of Yahoo Mail Beta,"
A Yahoo spokesman was not immediately available to comment on whether
The worm exploits a vulnerability in Javascript technology used to
The e-mail addresses are also sent to a remote online computer server,
Copyright 2006 Reuters Limited.
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