
     intr - run a command with interrupts enabled

     intr [-d] [-t seconds] command [arg...]

     Intr executes a command with keyboard interrupts  enabled,  and  standard
     input,  output  and  error redirected to the terminal or the console.  It
     may also be used for the opposite: to detach a process from the terminal.

     There are three situations where intr may be used:  From a  process  that
     has no controlling tty, like the shell running /etc/rc at boot time, from
     a script that runs in the background, or by the System  Administrator  to
     restart a daemon.

     In the first case intr will use /dev/console as a controlling tty and  as
     standard  input,  output  and  error.   In  the second case intr will use
     /dev/tty to connect the command to the controlling  tty.   In  the  third
     case  the  process  will be removed from the process group, and will have
     I/O redirected to /dev/null as input, and /dev/log for output.