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Choosing a root password

Click on Root password from the LBA-Linux Configurator menu. Here, you must provide a password for the LBA-Linux root (administrator) account.

To set a root password:

  1. Think of a good password and enter it in the Root Password box.
  2. Enter the exact same password again in the Confirm box.
  3. Continue to the Network Setup screen by clicking the Next button at the lower right of the screen.

The root password must be at least six characters long. You won't be able to read the password as you type it. Instead, each character of the password will appear as "*" - this is one of LBA-Linux's security features. As a precaution against typos, you are required to enter the password twice--once in the Root Password box and again in the Confirm box.

To ensure a high level of security the password should contain one or more digits and/or special characters, for example , #, { or !. Avoid choosing a password that consists only of letters of the alphabet--such passwords are not particularly secure.

Good passwords shouldn't be actual words, or make any obvious sense. However, you should choose a root password you will be certain to remember.

Bad password choices include:

Good passwords include these features:

If the computer won't accept your chosen password:

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